Posted on 04.23.13 under Dustin Wong, Dustin Wong, Ponytail
Dustin played a series of shows in Tokyo, Honolulu and Maui as the year 2011 ended. This is the story…
This was a promotional DVD that was a give-a-way to people who bought “Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow Leads” in Japan in 2012. Dustin’s CDs are available from Amazon…
Posted on 04.16.13 under Dustin Wong, Junko Wong, Ponytail, Takako Minekawa
Kichimu, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Dustin Wong and Takako Minekawa
With Junko Wong
Posted on 07.19.10 under Ponytail
Spent a long weekend in NYC. Had a great time at Siren Fest on Coney Island. Saw some live performances, smelled the East Coast ocean air and made some new Black Dog Clan Members!