Dog Eaters

Mark of Can

Posted on 09.30.24 under Uncategorized

Lost in a time beyond memory
Long before the documentary
Called back to the world we left behind
Back to the prison of our minds

Please feel this again

It’s all a mystery

Help us erase the Mark of Cain
Primal sin is an endless chain
The lust for more driving us insane
Turning pleasure into pain

It’s all a mystery

Revise the stories of our lives
Tales of shame and emotional strife
Ten thousand years seems like yesterday
Ten thousand demons we must slay

Please feel this again

It’s all a mystery

We can’t erase the Mark of Cain
Pushed from the start to insane
Run the race to hell in pain
Help us break these heavy chains

It’s all a mystery

released September 30, 2024
Written, Performed, Recorded: Malcolm Wong
Alto, Tenor, Baritone Sax: Frank Southecorvo

Photo and photo collage: Malcolm Wong


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