Posted on 06.17.12 under Kenzo Minami
Ebisu Yamanote Line Platform.
New line of designer “mice,” commissioned by Microsoft. More and more hardware coming out from Microsoft. Whose niche will they invade?
We’ve come a long way, baby…
Early Kenzo work.
And it was an intellectual talk by Kenzo. Not just show and tell…
Kenzo’s Dunnys are in the permanent collection of the MOMA, NY.
A design blogger records for digital posterity.
Note: that is not a Window tablet. That’s a, um, you know. The original. Made by _______.
She’s been “Kenzoed.”
Mayumi Inoha, new CWC illustrator.
“That’s a lovely scarf you’re wearing. Oh, it’s my design?”
Hiding behind a skirt.
A picture is worth a thousand dollars, yen, pounds sterling. Oh, right… A thousand words…
The interior design sense of Microsoft Japan.
Part of the Shinagawa corporate sprawl.