Posted on 06.07.13 6:02PM under Uncategorized
Sounds a bit like “snake oil,” but…
Fill with water. Place the blue glass container either in the Sun or under an incandescent lamp (not a florescent lamp) for at least an hour. After the water is solarized, it can be used in several ways. Drink it. Cook with it. As a rinse after a bath or shower. Fruits and vegetables love being washed in blue solar water! As with “I love you” and “Thank you” processes, blue solar water voids memories replaying problems in the Subconscious Mind.
The left jug holds 4 liters. The other two hold 3 liters.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len says that drinking this water will remove recurring “memories” or programs that run in your subconscious, freeing you from the effects. In other words, it will allow you to “let go and let God.” Enjoy this water daily and reap the benefits!
Not sure about this, but wouldn’t hurt to try!
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Posted by Tom on 06.14.17 1:21 pm
Where can I get these wonderfull blue bottles?
I really want to buy them.
Posted by BlackDogClan on 06.14.17 4:27 pm
Thanks! I make them! In Japan, but I can ship from Maui. If you are really interested, let me know.
Posted by Tom on 06.15.17 11:12 am
I live in Belgium (Europe). Do you ship there?
How much for the middle 3 liter one?
Please mail me.
Thanks for the answer.