Dog Eaters

Heat Seekers, again…

Posted on 02.21.21 10:59PM under Uncategorized

Re-imagining of the original Heat Seekers with updated lyrics.


Heat seeking flying south, chasing the sun
Are you the only one, on the run
Gold diggin’, back stabbin’, deed was done
Am I the only one, having fun

Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades

Rainmaker hear him boast, howl at the moon
I smell sucess on your breath, my young tycoon
She’s lovely on the dance floor, dollars are strewn
But when you touch her she’s a bursting balloon

Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades
Heat Seekers beauty fades

There’s nothing they can’t have, so why should they pay
The lust for more and more leads them astray
They weaponize the law, the poor are their prey
And party in their house of moral decay


released February 21, 2021
Written, performed, and recorded by Malcolm Wong

Photo by Malcolm Wong from the film, FEAR OF FAILURE.

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