Dog Eaters

July 23, 2010 Comic-con Day 2

Posted on 07.23.10 10:27PM under Comic Con, cosplay, San Diego Comicon 2010

On the way to the Convention Center in front of an off-site promotion for an MMA fighter, a man got arrested.

We went back to the scene of another crime. Dexter’s…

The only clues were cryptic words written in “blood” on two-way mirrors that surrounded the dentis chair on 4 sides. Another door led to a back room where the man with the smart phone was hiding. He came out and started texting and another photographer took photos of us taking photos of the scene. I thought there was a body, but we didn’t find it — or the chalk outlines that usually indicate where a death has occurred.

And just outside the door, they were selling ice cream…

Parked in front of the train tracks a wooden helicopter.

Coming from the train, a commuter saunters to work. No need for speed!

Once inside the Con, Ariel and friend were there to greet us.

Gentle Giant’s licensed figures, Asgaard’s helmets for Thor, and an interview with Iron Man.

Several cool SF scenes from an artist which I am ashamed to say, I did not document.

Is this Lola or the 5th Element?

Founded by an ILM special effects director, this business sells sculpting supplies and aids. This sculpt is a combination of crustacean and human muscles with a modified crab carapace. For the record, this is a female…

A strange grouping. A menage a cinq.

Looks a little bit like Sarah Palin…

Let’s put her in the Green Lantern chamber!

Chris Bautista, contracted artist for DC, is an old friend.

At Toy Tokyo, a fan and her boyfriend customizer hold a Blythe that Lev picked up in Tokyo.

Middle Aged, I mean Middle Ages action here.

Cast for “Being Human.”

The ringlight around the lens of the video camera is just one more reason why certain people look better.

A lonely Lolita…

Tron bike

Steam Punk dolls — about Blythe-size.

Captain and Mrs. America. Suck it in, suck it in!

Girls signing at Diamond Comics Distribution — who hold a near monopoly on comic distribution (excepting Haven). The girl on the right is Jennifer Korbin, an actress on the TV show, Lingerie. Don’t ask me what the connection is, it seemed pretty random.

Prism Comics, a gay collective of artists and writers who enjoy comics.

A patron of Prism. It splits white light into rainbows, right?

They called themselves, “Hot Zombies,” and gave me a name card to prove it.

I put down $10 on the combatant in blue to win by knock out.

Ever wanted something to move just the way you wanted? Don’t you fret, Animation Master is here!

Just a couple of Living Dolls.

Add one more…

That make Hulk ANGRY!

Supergirl makes super love to another super hero to make Hulk super angrier!

Look out!

This universe has gotten mashed up — an R2 unit with these girls? Oh, my…

Erik Battle. Yet another brother that I have gone through the Dabel Brothers wars with…

The eyes don’t lie.

Zenoscope booth babe, intellectual variant.

Littlest Pet Shop poster

At the Hasbro booth

Alaina Huffman, actress for several TV series and also a model in Tokyo and Osaka in the mid-90s.

Are those stockings or tattoos?

Her girlfriend directed this shot, told her to look perverted. See how easily you can get your signals crossed?

Neytiri gives a “come hither” look. As always…

These guys had an unusual way of moving. Sort of like mimes.

Ugly Dolls had quite a large booth.

Anchor Bay, a Starz Company…

The lines on their bodies: one of them is permanent, the other, not.

The Stunt People, based in San Franciso make martial arts movies. They are the very first members of the Black Dog Clan.


Appears to be a switch hitter.

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