Dog Eaters

July 22, 2010 Comic-con Day 1

Posted on 07.23.10 12:28AM under cosplay, San Diego Comicon 2010


On the way to the Convention Center from the hotel, we stumbled upon the location of the secret installation of a kill zone scene. Opens on Friday, July 22. It’s gory, it’s bloody — it’s the work of a serial killer.

You are supposed to figure it out by finding the rabbit hole in
True detectives will figure this out.

We also came across the Ghostbusters eating breakfast.

Isaac dodges past a trio of Wild Girls.

Larger than life poster of The Expendables.

Alfonso Ruiz, the artist for Ezra (shown). The colorist for book 1 is from Santiago, Chile and as it turns out, hired Guillermo Angel (the artist for Dog Eaters) to help him out.

This is art that Alfonso would like me to write a story for.

Almost Japanese style.

Could he find bin Laden?

These kevlar reinforced bike riding leathers are about $1000. Not too bad…

Illuminated posters.

From Airbender — at least he looks Asian!

Some kind of Orcs.

Wildstorm poster.

Harlequin & friend.

The entire Comicon floor. Almost…

Boba Fet?

A young lass.

Don’t know this character, but if I named her she would be Bird Angel.

A couple of more than a few cool Steam Punkers.

A cool panel of a group of comic artists, writers, film makers and game creators who started to get together on Sunday to drink beer and read comics called the Comic Book Sundays. The next step will be trans-media which covers games, comics, movies, TV, animation. The key? Write a great comic with great art. From right to left, the panelists are: Jim Krueger, Chris Prynoski, Barbara Randall-Kesel, Marv Wolfman, Jason Brown, Aaron Mason, Peter Briggs, Neo Edmunds, Jhonen Vasquez, James Waugh, Oscar Torres, Ben Jackendoff. They filled the hall — they expected about 50 people to show up to heckle them. The reason? The paying projects that have come out of this group is steady and impressive.

Almost Japanese, again…

A saucy redhead, Meagan VanBurkleo.

Fit for your circular driveway fountain.

Zenoscope Publishing revisits, resets, and re-interprets fairy tales.

Super artist, Ben Templesmith dresses the part.

Old friend from Honolulu, Del came down from Northern California with his son, Luke.

Rolling Steam Punk

Is he large or monumental?

Blue but happy.

And here’s concept art that was licensed as prints by James Cameron.


Zombie on a diet.

This Steam Punker makes his own firearms.

She has a great personality. Really!

Slave Leia with a Maladorian.

Yet another Slave Leia. Vote for your favorite!

Ethnic Leon.


Tired of this guy yet?

Beware robots in breechclouts.

Harlequin’s hammer. And Two-faced sidekick.

Angels, bloody Angels…

Almost Japanese, part 3.

Spotted in the crowd.

And this is a crowd that extends like this in two more directions: front and right!

Unfinished street art. Looks like it will be complete in two more days.

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