Dog Eaters

San Diego Comicon Day 2, Thursday @ SDCC

Posted on 08.18.08 11:06PM under cosplay, San Diego Comicon 2008, San Diego Comicon 2009, San Diego Comicon 2010

July 24, Wed.

What a day! Not only was the sky cloudless and blue (the only day like this, San Diego has been having uncharacteristically bad summer weather), but you feel the energy level rising — the Star War cos-players are coming out!
First up was a Wookie giving an interview in the low-pitched roar of the Wookie language. This wasn’t surprising, after all, it was a Wookie. The weird thing was when one of the people walking by (in ordinary garb) and also added a few words of Wookie! This is a language you can learn at Berlitz?

Inside, in front of the Dabel booth, Miyuki ran into an Oyako (parent and child) pair of cos-playing Storm Troopers.

Then on my way back from visiting Dov Kelemer and Mary Jo Marks at the DKE booth (they wholesale figures and dealt both plush runts and Kumanogollo),

I was attacked by Storm Troopers.

And in the booth itself, I downloaded a couple of the color images Neil planned to use in the Powerpoint presentation for the panel meeting we were going to have a few hours earlier.

I was told by the Design Team at CWC that they wanted to Transformers goods, so I went to the Hasbro booth.

But I couldn’t get near it, there was a triple-thick line of people wrapped around it!

Toy prototypes at the Super7 booth. Super7 hosted one of the “Behind Blythe” exhibitions we had in North America a couple of years back. Micro-manufacturing done with love.

Klim and Brian.

Authors and Black Dog Clan members, Anne Elizabeth and Jim Butcher.

Super Girl and Wonder Woman are not to be trifled with!

Harry Dresden, the wizard detective. He loved the Preview Issue if you must know…

Azusa and Miyuki really did come to Comicon to work! Here they are enlisting a Clan member.

I’m signing using the double chop (inkan or hanko) and the gold Sharpie. Looks pretty cool…

Recruiting members one at a time. Hopefully, they’re members for life.

Michael Provost, a vice-president at Hasbro, one of our colleagues with Blythe, shows me a photo of Ugly Betty holding a Blythe bag.

With Isaac during a lull in the action.

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