Dog Eaters

Day 2, Thursday, Dabel Brothers panel in Room 7AB

Posted on 08.18.08 11:06PM under cosplay, San Diego Comicon 2008, San Diego Comicon 2009, San Diego Comicon 2010

July 24, Wed. 4 PM

I was on the Dabel Brothers panel with authors Jim Butcher (Dresden Files), Sherrilyn Kenyon (Dark Hunter), and DB members Derek Ruiz and Neil Schwartz. We gave the premises of the projects we are working on with Dabel Brothers and then there was a Q and A after.

The Dresden Files is about a detective with magical powers. It was a TV show on the Sci-Fi Channel as well.

Dark Hunter is about a vampire who fights against evil.

Dog Eaters is… Well… “Mankind failed to transcend the Petroleum Age. 175 years after the DIE OFF, civilization is starting to coalesce around the casino-cities of the US Southwest. The Black Dog Clan is making it’s last trade to the Gulf where it will establish its own casino-city.

I discuss the nutritional merits of eating canines versus the sucking of human blood from the neck with Sherrilyn. I think we both decided that with either protein source, supplementing was a good idea, and that every meal should include fiber, especially raw vegetables.

Derek runs the show.

Jim talks about the upcoming Dresden chapter, Storm Front.

Sherrilyn talks about how doing comics is a dream come true.

I explained the premise of Dog Eaters and how this came to be a Dabel Brothers project.

Azusa was spellbound by my oratory! Notice the leg? Whose is that?

Lining up for autographs.

Not only does Stephanie hang in the Dabel booth, but she studies glassblowing with Rick Mills at the University of Hawaii! Rick and I were contemporaries at the glass lab at U.H. in the late 70s and we’re both still blowing. Here’s a few of my recent wine glasses.

Notice my signing process using the the double chop and gold Sharpie technique.

They’re still lining up…

Connor’s questions were so “on the money,” that Azusa and Miyuki thought that he was a “sakura.”

I give my attention to a very interesting theory…

But this is what I really meant by that dream sequence.

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