Dog Eaters

Back In Tokyo, musing about Maui…

Posted on 08.18.08 11:07PM under San Diego Comicon 2008

August 8, 2008

Is 08/08/08 an auspicious date? Sure why not. Safely back in Tokyo after a sixteen day trip. Five intense days at San Diego Comic-con, eight more-or-less leisurely days of family reunion/80th birthday party in Maui. Nothing especially interesting about other people’s family reunions. However, you might be interested in seeing the Lukas, the family acrobat, walk on his hands. He can also juggle. We think he may run away to the circus someday. Disclaimer/cautionary note: you may get a stiff neck watching this.
Lukas is on the right. We’re going to bill him as a five-year-old. Hey the Chinese Olympic committee does it! Brian is on the left. His Drunken Monkey style is pretty good. He managed to snatch the pebble from my hand…

The highlight of this birthday party/family reunion was the fantastic hula performance by the Kanoeau Dance Academy.
Live music by Auntie Ke’ala Kukona backed by Leia on stand-up bass and Kimo on acoustic guitar — singing sweet harmonies. Some very young dancers prepare in the wings.

Here are some of the dancers posing with the family.

A few random sights of Maui. From 200 Leilani Dr, Wailuku, a view of a cruise ship in Kahului Harbor.

This is an attempt to make a living environmental art piece out of a fallen macadamia nut tree. Mac trees are like weeds — even if you cut them down, they’ll grow right back. This tree blew down in a storm half a year ago and it was still as green as the rest of the trees around it. We gave it a major pruning then lifted it off the ground and propped it up. Check back in a couple of months to see how this piece progresses.

Uncle Rob and Dustin stand proudly next to “Tribute to Dali.”

Another random thought: my red eye. At the birthday party, I started recruiting new Black Dog Clan members. I got wound up again, probably raising my blood pressure, and my red eye (which had been in remission) came back. I’m starting to think that this is going to a chronic condition for the rest of my life. Or as long as DOG EATERS is in my life.

I guess I should throw in a couple of gratuitous shots of “beautiful” Maui.
The view from the condo lanai.

From Maalaea, off in the distance, Molokini…

A couple of sunset shots…


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