Posted on 10.21.10 2:26AM under graphic design, Ian Anderson
Well, celebrities of certain arcane creative arts if you’re in the know…
Ian Anderson of yes, it still lives! — the Designers Republic — one of the most influential British designers of the last two decades. Ian was forced to close the company down in January 2009 because: “We’d lost a couple of clients, didn’t win a couple of pitches, got a tax bill which should have been sorted out and wasn’t and a major client who didn’t pay the money they owed us – in themselves any of those things would have been fine but when they come all at once there’s not much you can do.”
We (CWC) were fortunate enough to have worked with Ian and Designers Republic during their heyday in the late 90s on various music and fashion projects.
There’s a nice mini-retrospective on the Creative Review. Check it out, mourn a little and rejoice a lot. The Republic is dead, long live the Republic!
Heather Shor, business partner of Gordy Hoffman (brother of Academy Award winner, Philip Seymour Hoffman), runs Blue Cat Screenwriting. Blue Cat was instrumental in starting the internet marketing for Dog Eaters when the mini-series first started coming out in late 2008.
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