Dog Eaters

New pounders

Posted on 04.28.19 under aniani ku'i 'ai, glass, glass poi pounders, glassblowing, ku'ai aniani

Still a technique in progress…

3.7,3.8lb greenorangetrailing




Three glass poi pounders

Posted on 04.15.19 under glass, glass poi pounders, glassblowing, ku'ai aniani, Ku'i 'ai

Functional to the max, these pounders are 3 lbs, 2.9 lbs, and 3 lbs respectively.


New ku’i ‘ai aniani

Posted on 07.02.18 under aniani ku'i 'ai, glass, glass poi pounders, glassblowing, ku'ai aniani

These were made from the same mix of colors. You could call it a family with each one taking a slightly different amount and percentage of the “DNA.”


Very functional for pounding poi (and steaks, etc).

Late May ku’i ‘ai aniani

Posted on 06.18.18 under aniani ku'i 'ai, glass, glass poi pounders, glassblowing, ku'i 'ai aniani, Malcolm Wong

purple,red multi,multi-multi_2

The pounder on the right has a dimple. Looking forward to taking it for a spin!

Light weight, small

Posted on 05.15.18 under aniani ku'i 'ai, glass, glass poi pounders, glassblowing, ku'ai aniani

But usable for adults!


Fits nicely in a medium-sized hand.

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