Posted on 03.14.10 under Uncategorized
BJ Kukona-Sonn and Harry Manuwai in Tokyo, both from Maui, but didn’t know of each other nor their families until they met at the Queen Lili`Uokalani Hula Competition in Kamata, Tokyo. Now they are Black Dog Clan members!
Mel Kukona-sonn helped fine-tune Arisa’s performance at the Queen Lili`Uokalani Hula Contest. That’s Arisa on the right. Great job by everyone all the way around!
For those of you interested in hula and can read Japanese, you can follow the adventures of Na Pua Liko Wai Ho’ola at their blogspot.
Posted on 03.11.10 under Uncategorized
The solicit cover for Issue 5 (on left) which will not be used for the graphic novel. This is a reformat of the first promo poster for Dog Eaters. On the right, Tommy confronts Bevan and challenges his manhood.
We’re into the production of Issue 5 despite the hardships the Chilean art team in Santiago is enduring. Guillermo hopes to move back into his apartment within a week, but Pepi, his girlfriend, wants to wait until the stove and oven is repaired. Brolo who just uploaded the first draft of pg 5 color a week after the earthquake, is staying with friends.
These guys are real troopers!