Dog Eaters

Real descendants

Posted on 01.10.12 1:12AM under Uncategorized

Laurel Douglas is not related to George Clooney, but she is a descendant of the Cookes and Athertons, missionary family elite that took over Hawaii and ended up overthrowing the monarchy of Queen Liliuokalani in 1898.

Laurel, a.k.a Auntie Seeti, is researching her ancestors’ misdeeds and devious takeover of Hawaii. She is a prime source for the book by Sarah Vowell, “Unfamiliar Fishes“, after meeting Laurel at the Mission House doing her own research.

The sons of the original missionaries to Hawaii returned to New England and in their senior year at Yale were inducted into the infamous Skull & Bones, a tradition that continues… 50 people heading special interests rule Hawaii, and this does not include the governor, who is basically a puppet. This is a microcosm of the way the U.S. Federal government is controlled.

Laurel, Guy, Junko, and Staci.

Laurel, Guy, and their grand daughter.

Guy’s uniform from the days when he was in the St. Louis Cardinals baseball organization. Guy is now a documentary videographer covering contemporary and historical Hawaiian issues.

View from Laurel and Guy’s house.

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