Dog Eaters

Black Dog Clan member standup paddles from Big Island to Kauai

Posted on 06.30.11 12:41AM under Uncategorized

Black Dog Clan member, Bart de Zwart has a deeper appreciation of life after facing death in his unprecedented solo standup paddle from the Big Island to Kauai.
(left) Bart de Zwart initiated as a Black Dog Clan member Jan 21, 2010 (right) Bart windsurfing Jaws Maui – March 30 2010

Bart on his way into shore on June 26, 2011. It was a super tough trip and he looked pretty beat up. The last day, he only put on sunscreen once, not wanting to delay his landing. He spend a night in the hospital with infected hands and feet.

But Bart recovered well enough to play a vigorous game of ping pong on July 4 at Anekona Compound!

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