Dog Eaters

from the land that brought you manga and animé…

Posted on 01.18.12 7:42PM under cosplay

On the street in Shinjuku, an ad trailer for “Hige Girl,” literally, “bearded girl” — a gathering place for “okama.” Which means, of course: “gay.”

Seen on the train platform at the Shin Minami Shibuya Station.

A name that I will forget. Sometime in the far, far future…

A couple of the items for sale at the Luvable & Hugable exhibition at Junie Moon in Daikanyama, Tokyo. Customized Neo Blythe and Middie Blythe.

Customized Neo-Blythes welcome in the New Year, Japanese style.

Fashion at the Marui One, Shinjuku.

Just a couple of the many options for footwear…

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